(118) To the deed from Mattie C. Henderson, widow, to
St. Joseph's Seminary of Baltimore City, dated March 30,
1915, and recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore
County in Liber W. P. C. No. 441, folio 431, &c.
(119) To the deed from St. Joseph's Seminary of Balti-
more City to St. Joseph's Society for Colored Missions, dated
April 9, 1915, and recorded among the Land Records of Balti-
more County in Liber W. P. C. No. 444, folio 160, &c,
(120) To the deed from Rachmiel Gedaliah Zucker to The
Chevra Maehzike Hadath, Incorporated, of. all the lauds, rights,
estate and property described in said deed dated March 26,
1918, and recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore
City in Liber S. C. L. No. 3194, folio 62. &c., and also to deed
from said grantor to said grantee, dated August 20th, 1919
and recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore City in
Liber S. C. L. No. 3429, folio 511, &c.
(121) To the deed from Morris Bank et al. to the Trustees
of the Aushe Emunah Hebrew Congregation of Baltimore
City, of all the lands, rights, estate and property described
in said deed, dated December 30th, 1919, and recorded among
the Land Records of Baltimore County in Liber W. P. C..
No. 518, folio 527, &c.
Approved April 16, 1920.
AN ACT to repeal Section 4, Chapter 317, Acts of 1896, as
amended and re-enacted by Chapter 455 of Acts of 1900,
and Chapter 344, Acts of 1908, and to re-enact the same
to read as follows:
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That it shall be the duty of the Clerk of County
Commissioners of Howard County within ten days after the
annual tax levy shall have been made, to deliver to the Treas-
urer a fair copy of. the assessment list of said County, showing
the aggregate assessment of every person, corporate institu-
tion or set of persons as the same then appears on the assess-
ment books of said county, with the names of said owners
arranged according to election districts and alphabetically for
each district and the amount of said State and County taxes