(c) The sum of eight hundred, dollars to the Associated
Professors of Loyola College, a body corporate, to be applied
to the College Debt Fund.
(d) The sum of one hundred dollars to Father John Man-
ley, of St. Dominick's Catholic Church, Harford Road. Ham-
ilton, to be expended for masses for the repose of the testatrix'
(e) The sum of one hundred dollars each to Right Rev
erend John T. Whalen and Father John Bowens, of St. Mary's
Star of the Sea Catholic Church, Riverside Avenue and Clem-
ent Street, Baltimore City, to be expended for masses for the
repose of the testatrix' soul.
(f) The sum of one. hundred dollars to Father Armin
Gamp, of the Holy Cross Catholic Church, West Street, Balti-
more City, to be expended for masses for the repose of testa-
trix' soul.
(g) The sum of one hundred dollars to Father Francis J.
Flanigan, of St. Ann's Catholic Church, of Baltimore City,
to be expended for masses for the repose of testatrix' soul.
(h) The sum of one hundred dollars to St. James' Home
for Boys, 301 North High Street, Baltimore City, a body
corporate, conducted by the Xaverian Brothers.
(i) The sum of five hundred dollars to testatrix' grand-
nephew, Father John F. Campbell, Church of the Holy Spirit,
Sharon Hill, Pennsylvania.
(116) To the deed from Richard Gough, Annie S. Gough
and William T. McPherson to the Vestry of Trinity Parish,
in Charles County, Maryland, and in the Diocese of Washing-
ton, a body corporate, by virtue of the donation of Frank B.
Keech, dated March 9, 1920, duly recorded among the Land
Records of Charles County, Maryland, in Liber W. M. A.
No. 36, folio 225, &c., for certain real estate located in said
Charles County, and particularly described in said deed, con-
taining six and one-half acres of land, more or less. The, said
land having been paid for through the donation of Frank B.
(117) To the bequest of five thousand dollars to the Zion
Lutheran Church, on Gay Street, under the will of Alba H.
Von Lingen, recorded in the office of the Register of Wills of
Baltimore City in "Wills," Liber H. W. J. No. 131, folio 186.