(95) To the devise contained in the last will and testa-
ment of James W. Rogan, late of Red Bank, State of New
Jersey, recorded in the office of the Register of Wills in the
Orphans' Court of Baltimore City, to the Board of Foreign
Missions of the Presbyterian Church in, the United States of
America, of a ground rent of thirty-six dollars described in
a deed from Joltn Capter, et al., to said James W. Rogan,
dated October 19, 1897, and recorded among the Land Records
of Baltimore City in Liber R. 0. No. 1698, folio 246, the im-
provements on said lot being known as No. 802 Hampson
(96) To the deed from Prank Shriver to Saint Luke's
Methodist Episcopal Church of Reisterstown, Baltimore
County, dated March 12, 1920, and recorded ainong the Land
Records of Baltimore County in Liber W. P. C. No. 523.
folio 27, &c.
(97) To certain bequests in remainder to the Franklin
Street Presbyterian Congregation in the City of Baltimore
of two funds to be set apart under the provisions contained
in the last will and testament and codicil thereto of Henry C.
Kirk, late of Baltimore County, Maryland, deceased, to pro-
duce an aggregate net income of eight hundred dollars. Said
last will and testament and codicil thereto being duly probated
in the Orphans' Court of Baltimore County, and recorded in
the office of the Register of Wills for said county in Wills
No. 17, folio 415, &c.
(98) To a proposed gift and grant by Thomas B. Gresham
to the Franklin Street Presbyterian Congregation in the City
of Baltimore, a body corporate, of a leasehold lot of ground
situate in the City of Baltimore at the northwest corner oi
Cathedral and Hamilton streets, fully described in a deed
from S. Gross Horwitz, Trustee, to Thomas B. Gresham, dated
February 26, 1920, and recorded among the Land Records of
Baltimore City in Liber S. C. L. No. 3536, folio 41, &c., and
to the holding of said lot by said corporation, with full power
to sell, lease, mortgage or in any other way dispose of the
(99) To the bequest of one hundred and sixty-seven
dollars, less collateral inheritance tax, contained in the will
of Maria C. C. McDaniel, to the Vestry of Saint Paul's Prot-
estant Episcopal Church, in Calvert County, Maryland, to be