used in keeping in good condition the graves of the said Maria
C. C. McUaniel and her husband.
(100) To the gift of two hundred dollars from the Brother-
hood of Saint Andrew of Christ Church Parish, in Calvert
County, Maryland, to the Vestry of Christ Church Parish, in
Calvert County, Maryland, to invest the same and apply the
income to the payment of rector's salary of s'aid Christ Church
(101) To the receipt of the Vestry of Ascension Protestant
Episcopal Church of the sum of $90.70, being the balance of
a trust fund granted under the will of Maria C. G. McDaniel,
said balance to be placed by said Vestry at the disposal of
the Society for Special Work and organization connected with
the Church.
(102) To the deed from Walter H. Cook and wife to tin-
Trustees of the Third Congregation of the Disciples of Jesus
Christ in the City and Precincts of Baltimore, a religious cor-
poration, its successors and assigns, dated May 1, 1916, and
recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore City in Liber
S. C. L. No. 3133, folio 522, &c, and to the holding and dis-
posing of the property at the corner formed by the intersec-
tion of the southwest side of Reisterstown Road and the south-,
east side of Grace Avenue, Baltimore City, described in said
deed, by the Trustees of the Third Congregation of .the Dis-
ciples of Jesus Christ in the City and Precincts of Balti-
more, according to law.
(103) To the deed from George W. Haddaway, Trustee
and the Minister and Trustees of the Starr Methodist Prot-
estant Church to The Ahavass Scholum Congregation of Balti-
more City, a religious corporation, its successors and assigns,
dated August 10, 1914, and recorded among the Land Records
of Baltimore City in Liber S. C. L. No. 2920, folio 419. and
to the holding and disposing of the property therein described
by the said Ahavass Scholum Congregation of Baltimore City,
according to law.
(104) To the deed from Gustavus Ober and wife to The
Port Mission of Baltimore City, a religious corporation of
this State, its successors and assigns, said deed bearing date
of October 22, 1903, and recorded among the Land Records
of Baltimore City in Liber R. 0. No. 2040, folio 3, and to the
holding and disposing of the property therein described by
the said The Port Mission of Baltimore City, according to law.