last will and testament being erroneously designated as "The
Corporation of Port Tobacco Parish (Episcopal Church)."
(89) To the bequest contained in the last will and testa-
ment of Georgeanna Williams, late of Baltimore City, de-
ceased, of the rest and residue of her estate to Bethel African
Methodist Episcopal Church of Baltimore City, a body cor-
porate, for such uses and purposes as the Pastor and Trustees
thereof may determine, said will being- recorded in Wills
Liber H. W. J. No. 127, folio 538, &c., one of the record books
in the office of the Register of Wills of Baltimore City.
(90) To the deed from Drayton M. Hite to The Trustees
of Sharp Street Station of the Methodist Episcopal Church
of Baltimore City, a body corporate, dated July 15, 1919, and
recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore City in Liber
S. C. L. No. 3409, folio 196, &c.
(91) To the bequest of two hundred dollars to Bethel
African Methodist Episcopal Church of Baltimore City, a body
corporate, contained in the last will and testament of Helen
G. Lowe, late of Baltimore City, deceased, recorded in "Wills,"
Liber H. W. J. No. 127, folio 147, &c., one of the record books
in the office of the Register of Wills of Baltimore City.
(92) To the bequest of twenty-five thousand dollar's to the
Associated Professors of Loyola College of Baltimore City,
as provided in the last will and testament of Katharine Lana-
han, late of Baltimore County, deceased.
(93) To the bequest of a farm containing 272 acres,
more or less, situated in the Second Election District of Cecil
County, in the State of Maryland, to the Convent of St. Basil
the Great, of Philadelphia, a body corporate, as provided in
the last will and testament of Rt. Rev. Stephen Soter Ortinsky,
late of the City of Philadelphia, deceased.
(94) To the deed from Elmer C. Beaver and wife, of
Carroll County, Maryland, to Most Reverend James Cardinal
Gibbons, Roman Catholic Archbishop of Baltimore, for the
time being, and his successors in the Archiepiscopal See of
Baltimore, according to the discipline and government of the
Roman Catholic Church, a corporation sole, of a parcel of
land situate in and near Westminster, in said county, which
land is particularly described in a deed dated February 24.
1920, and recorded among the Land Records of Carroll Count
in Liber E. O. C. No. 135, folio 436, &c.