(77) To the bequest of five hundred dollars to the Trustees
of the Presbyterian Church of Hagerstown, Maryland, and
their successors, they to invest and funeral expenses, contained
in the last will and the said sum of money and keep the same
invested, with power to change the investment from time to
time, as they shall deem the most advantageous, and to collect
the income arising therefrom, and to use the said income for
whatsoever purpose they may desire, in connection with the
said Presbyterian Church of Hagerstown, Maryland, as to said
Trustees of said Church may seem best, contained in the last
will and testament of Laura McLanahan Smith, late of Wash-
ington County, deceased, of record in "Wills," Liber "N"
folios 84, &c., one of the Record Books kept in the office of
the Register of Wills for Washington County.
(78) To the following bequests contained in the last will
and testament of Sarah Ann Doub, late of Washington County,
deceased, of record in "Wills," Liber "N," folios 104, &c.,
one of the Record Books kept in the office of the Register of
Wills for Washington County :
(a) The. sum of five hundred dollars to the Foreign Mis-
sionary Society of the United Brethren in Christ to be used by
said Society for the purpose of Christianizing the Heathen,
after the death of testatrix' brother, David Doub.
(b) The whole amount of the proceeds of the sale of
testatrix' real estate, after deducting all expenses attending
the sale of the same, to the Foreign Mission Society of the
United Brethren in Christ, to be used by said Society for the
purpose of Christianizing the Heathen, after the death of
testatrix' brother, David Doub, in the event he shall die leaving
no children or descendents of children.
(79) To the following bequests contained in the last will
and testament of Mary A. Nissley, late of Washington County,
deceased, of record in "Wills," Liber "N," folios 109. &c.,
one of the Record Books kept in the office of the Register of
Wills for Washington County.
(a) The sum of three hundred dollars to the Mennonite
Church of Lower Swatara Township, Dauphin County. Penn-
sylvania, known as Shope's Church, the same to be invested
by said church and the income therefrom to be used for church