(b) The sum of one hundred dollars to the said. Church
and the interest therefrom to be used in the care of testatrix'
lot in the cemetery of said Church.
(80) To the bequest of fifty dollars to the Pastor in charge
of St. Maiy's Catholic Church of Hagerstown, to be used for
masses for the repose of the soul of testator and the souls of
his two wives, contained in the last will and testament of
William J. Case, late of Washington County, deceased, of rec-
.ord in "Wills," Liber "N," folios 165, &c., one of the record
books kept in the office of the Register of Wills for Washing-
ton County.
(81) To the bequest of .ten dollars to Salem Reformed
Church to be used in keeping up testator's lot in the grave
yard in connection therewith, contained in the last will and
testament of Calvin D. McNamee, late of Washington Cbunty,
deceased, of record in "Wills," Liber "N," folios 178, &c.,
one of the record books kept in the office of the Register of
Wills for Washington County.
(82) To the following bequests contained in the last will
and testament of Tilghman H. Smith, late of Washington
County, deceased, of record in "Wills," Liber "N," folios
190, &c., one of the record books kept in the office of the Regis-
ter of Wills for Washington County :
(a) To the bequest of one-third of the remainder of testa-
tor's estate, after the death of his sister, Caroline A. Smith,
and his brother, Robert E. Smith, to the Lutheran Orphans'
Home at Loysville, in the State of Pennsylvania.
(b) And to the bequest of one-third of the remainder of
testator's estate, after the death of his sister. Caroline A.
Smith, and his brother, Robert E. Smith, to the Women's
Missionary Society of the United Lutheran Church in Amer-
ica, to be applied to the needs of the several foreign fields in
equal portions within the operations of said society.
(83) To the following bequests contained in the last will
and testament of Dr. Charles Grindall, deceased:
(a) One thousand dollars to the Associated Professors of
Loyola College, in the City of Baltimore.