Church, and the interest and income thereof to be used for said
(d) The sum of three hundred dollars to the German Bap-
tist Brethren Church in Hagerstown, Washington County,
Maryland, to be invested by the proper officers of said Church,
.and .the interest and the income thereof to be used for said
(e) The bequest of one-twelfth of the rest and residue of
testatrix' estate to "Fahrney Memorial Home for the Aged of
Washington County" at the death of testatrix' niece, M. Vir-
ginia Reed.
(74) To the bequest to the Trinity Evangelical Lutheran
Church of Smithsburg, Washington County, Maryland, con-
tained in the last will and testament of Emma J. Uhler, late
' of Washington County, Maryland, deceased, on record in
"Wills" Liber "N," folios 59, &c., one of the record books
kept in the office of the Register of Wills for Washington
County, of the trust estate as, provided by her said last will
and testament, converted into money, after the deaths of her
husband, F. Marion Uhler and her son, Guy E. Uhler, pro-
vided that at the time of the death of the said Guy E. Uhler
there shall be no child or children living of the said Guy S.
Uhler then living, and no issue then living of any such child or
children who may be deceased.
(75) To the bequest of twenty-five dollars to the Broad-
fording Brethren Church of the benefit of the graves of the
members of testatrix' family contained in the last will and
testament of Barbara A. Bosteter, late of Washington County,
deceased, of record in "Wills," Liber "N," folios 68. &c.,
one of the Record Books kept in the office of the Register of
Wills of Washington County.
(76) To the bequest to the General Mission Board of the
'Church of the Brethren, for the world wide Missions, of all
the balance that was to the credit of testatrix in bank after
the payment of her debts, testament of Adeline Nighswander,
late of Washington County, deceased, of record in "Wills,"
Liber "N," folios 83, &c., one of the record books kept in the
office of the Register of Wills for Washington County.