(65) To the following bequests contained in the last will
and testament of Ann R. Wilson, late of Washington County,
deceased, of record in "Wills" Liber "M," folios 517, &c.,
one of the Record Books in the Office of the Register of Wills
for Washington County:
(a) To the bequest of two hundred and fifty dollars to the
graveyard association of the Manor Church, the income to
be used for the upkeep of testatrix's lot and the graveyard in
(b) To the bequest of one hundred dollars to the Broad-
fording Church of the Brethren located in Washington County,
(c) To the bequest of twenty-five dollars to John Row-
land, the Minister of the Church of the Dunkard Brothers.
(d) To the bequest of the rest and residue of testatrix'
estate to the Fahrney Memorial Home located near Mapleville,
Washington County, Maryland.
(66) To the bequest of one thousand dollars to the German
Baptist Church of Beaver Creek, Funkstown and Long
Meadow, in Washington County, a corporation, to be used as
the trustees thereof may see proper, contained in the last will
and testament of John Q. Adams, late of Washington County,
deceased, of record in "Wills" Liber "M," folio 540, &c., one
of the Record Books in the Office of the Register of Wills for
Washington County.
(67) To the bequest of fifteen dollars to the Middletown
Lutheran Cemetery Association, of Middletown, in Frederick
County, State of Maryland, the income from which to be used
in repairing and keeping in order the lots and graves of tes-
tatrix family in said cemetery, contained in the last will and
testament of Emma F. McQuade, late of Washington County,
deceased, of record in Wills Liber "M," folios 582, &c.. one
of the Record Books kept in the Office of the Register of Wills
for Washington County.
(68) To the following bequests contained in the last will
and testament of Anna E. Knode, late of Washington County,
deceased, of record in "Wills" Liber "M," folios 593, &c.,