one of the Record Books kept in the Office of the Register of
Wills for Washington County:
(a) The sum of fifty dollars to the Sabbath School of Zion
Reformed Church Congregation of Hagerstown, Maryland.
(b) The sum of fifty dollars to the Trustees of the grave-
yard fund of Ziou Reformed Congregation of Hagerstown,
(69) To the bequest of three shares of Smithburg Bank
stock to the Trustees of Beard's Church, to be held for the
following purposes: One-half of the income of the stock to
go to the church and the other one-half to be use to keep up
testatrix1 lot at the graveyard, contained in the last will and
testament of Catherine Bowers, late of Washington County,
deceased, of record in "Wills" Liber "N," folios 22, &c., one
of the Record Books kept in the Office of the Register of Wills
for Washington County.
(70) To the bequest of one hundred dollars to the Vestry
of St. John's Episcopal Church of Hagerstown, Maryland, for
the use and benefit of said Church, contained in the last will
and testament of Florence Bryan Simmons, late of Washing-
ton County, Maryland, deceased, of. record in "Wills,"' Liber
"N," folios 27, &c., one of the Record Books in the Office of
the Register of Wills for Washington County.
(71) To the bequest of one hundred dollars to the Re iff
Mennonite Church of near Cearfoss, Maryland, the interest
and income therefrom to be used by the said church in keeping
in good order and condition the graveyard at said church,
contained in the last will and testament of Nancy Kyner, late
of Washington County, deceased, of record in "Wills" Liber
"N," folio 43, one of the record books kept in the Office of
the Register of Wills for Washington County.
(72) To the following bequests contained in the last will
and testament of Barbara E. Stouffer, late of Washington
County, deceased, of record in "Wills'' Liber "N," folios 49.
&c., one of the Record Books kept in the Office of the Register
of Wills for Washington County :
(a) The sum of three hundred dollars to the German Bap-
tist Brethren Church known as "the Manor Church," situate