June 6, 1919, and recorded among the Land Records of Bal-
timore City in Liber S. C. L. No. 3379, folio 86.
(60) To the bequest of sixteen thousand dollars contained
in the last will and testament' of Louisa Mentel, deceased, to the
Trustees of St. Michael's German Lutheran Church of Perry
Hall, Baltimore County, Maryland, and their successors, to
be held by said Trustees and their successors in trust for the
purposes stated in item two of the said last will and testament;
which bears date of February 23, 1918, and is duly recorded,
among the Wills Records of Baltimore County in Liber W. J.
P. No. 20, folio 415, &c.
(61) To the deed from Milton R. Lerch to the Evangelical.
Lutheran Church of Our Saviour, dated November 17, 1919,
and recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore City in
Liber S. C. L. No. 3482, folio 604, &c.
(6'2) To the deed from Frank Novak Realty Company, a
body corporate, to Evangelical Lutheran Church of Our
Saviour, dated November 25, 1919, and recorded among the,
Land Records of Baltimore City in Liber S. C. L. No. 3493,
folio 463, &c.
(63) To the deed from Adam S. Gregorius to The Polish'
National Catholic Church of the Holy Crass, a religious cor-
poration, dated June 15, 1918, and recorded among the Land
Record of. Baltimore County in Liber W. P. C. No. 500, folio
265, &c., conveying in fee simple a tract of land in Baltimore
County containing fifteen acres, more or less.
(64) To the following bequests contained in the last will
and Testament of Winfield S. Orach, late of Carroll County,
in the State of Maryland, deceased, dated May 1, 1912. and
recorded in the Office of the Register of Wills for Carroll
County in Liber W. A. No. 11, folio 261, &c.:
(a) The sum of two hundred dollars to the Trustees of the
Evangelical Lutheran Congregation of Winters Church, a re-
ligious body corporate, located at or near New Windsor, Car-
roll County, in the State of Maryland, and
(b) The sum of one hundred dollars to Saint Luke's Win-
ters Evangelical Lutheran Cemetery Company of Carroll
County, Maryland, a religious corporation, located at or near
New Windsor, Carroll County, Maryland.