of same to be used for the care of the "Pont" to the memory
of Ernest D. Neff, in said Grace Methodist Episcopal Church.
(40) To a deed from William O. Atwood, Executor of
Margaret Gernhardt, deceased, to the Superannuated Fund
Society of Maryland Annual Conference, a body corporate,
dated March 1, 1900, and recorded among the Land Records
of Baltimore City in Liber R. O. No. 1834, folio 27, &c.r
conveying four lots of ground in said city.
(41) To a deed from Alcaeus Hooper, surviving executor
and trustee, &c., et al., to the Woman's Foreign Missionary-
Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church, a, body corporate,
dated February 2, 1918, and duly recorded among the Land
Records of Baltimore County, on February 8, 1918, in Liber
W. P. C. No. 492, folio 432, &c., conveying a certain lot of
ground and the annual rent of $125.00 issuing and payable
out of said lot of ground.,
(42) To the two following deeds from Alcaeus Hooper,
surviving trustees, &c., to the Woman's Foreign Missionary
Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church, a body corporate,
convey certain lots of ground and the annual rents issuing
and payable out of said lots of ground:
(a) To the deed dated January 23, 1918, and recorded
among the Land Records of Baltimore City in Liber S. C. L.
No. 3128, folio 477, &c.
(b) To the deed dated January 25, 1918, and recorded
among the Land Records of Baltimore City in Liber S. C. L:
No. 3183, folio 24, &c.
(43) To the following bequests under the wills of Sophia
F. Grape, deceased, said will being dated January 20, 1919,
and recorded in the office of the Register of Wills of Baltimore
City in Liber H. W. J. No. 132, folio 1:
(a) Three thousand dollars to the Home of Aged of the1
Methodist Episcopal Church of Baltimore City.
(b) Two thousand dollars to the Home Missionary Society
of Madison Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church.
(c) One thousand dollars to the Foreign Missionary Society
of Madison Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church (Senior Aux-
(d) Two hundred and fifty dollars to the Young Woman's
Home Missionary Society of Madison Avenue Methodist Epis-
copal Church.