(38) To the following grants, sales, deeds and leases to
and for use of the Saint Peter's Evangelical Lutheran Con-
gregation of Baltimore City, a body corporate:
(a) To the sale and grant of a lot of ground and premises
described in a deed from Rawley D. Cary to the said Saint
Peter's Evangelical Lutheran Congregation of Baltimore City,
a body corporate, dated January 23, 1907, and recorded
among the Land Records of Baltimore City in Liber R. O.
2304, folio, 366, &c.
(b) To the sale and grant of a lot of ground and premises
described in a deed from Ernest Johannessen to the Saint
Peter's Evangelical Lutheran Congregation of Baltimore City,
a body corporate, dated February 2, 1917, and recorded among
the Land Records of Baltimore City in Liber S. C. L. No. 3106,
folio 468, &c..
(c) To the lease and grant of a lot of ground and premises
described in a lease from J. Philip Schultz and wife to said
Saint, Peter's Evangelical Lutheran Congregation of Baltimore
City, a body corporate, dated November 10, 1919, and recorded
among the Land Records of Baltimore City in Liber S. C. L.
No. 3478, folio 542, &c., and, also:
(d) To the acquisition by the Saint Peter's Evangelical
Lutheran Congregation of Baltimore City, a body corporate,
at any time hereafter whether by gift, grant or otherwise
of the fee simple title to the lots or parcels of land aforemen-
tioned in which said Saint Peter's Evangelical Lutheran Con-
gregation of Baltimore City, a body corporate, is entitled to a
leasehold interest or less than a fee simple title, by virtue of
the deeds and lease aforementioned and by virtue of the sanc-
tion hereinbefore given by Article (38), and to the holding,
sale, mortgaging, leasing or otherwise disposing of the same.
(39) To the following gifts and bequests made by Abby
H. Neff, late of Baltimore City, deceased, in her last will and
testament duly recorded in the office of the Register of Wills
of Baltimore City in "Wills" Liber H. W. J. No. 132, folio
515. &c.:
(a) The sum of two thousand dollars and household furni-
ture not otherwise disposed of to the Baltimore Deaconess
Home of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Baltimore City.
(b) The sum of two hundred dollars to the Ladies' Aid
Society of Grace Methodist Episcopal Church, the interest