1917, and recorded in Liber L. R. No. 32, folio 115, &c., one
of the record books in the office of the Register of Wills for
Somerset County.
(13) To the grant and deed made by Albert C. Kamenk
and Adam G. Snyder, Jr., to the Evangelical Lutheran Church
of the Redeemer, of Baltimore City, of a lot of ground de-
scribed in a deed dated September 22, 1916, and recorded
among the Land Records of Baltimore City in Liber S. C. L.
No. 3077, folio 535, &c.
(14) To the bequest contained in the last will and testament
of Fannie Thompson, late of Baltimore City, State of Mary-
land, deceased, now. of record in the office of the Register of
Wills for Baltimore City, of whatever sum of money that the
said Fannie Thompson had on deposit at the time of her death
in the Provident Savings Bank and in the Central Bank of
Baltimore City to the New Windsor Presbyterian Church, of
Carroll County, a religious body corporate of the State of
Maryland, located at New Windsor, Carroll County, in the
State of Maryland.
(15) To the devise of Joseph Roach of a house and lot on
the corner of Beach and Second streets, in North East, Cecil .
County, Maryland, contained in the last will and testament
of said Joseph Roach, late of Cecil County, Maryland, de-
ceased, to the Methodist Episcopal Church of North East, Cecil
County, Maryland.
(16) To the bequest of Margaret S. Hughes of one hun-
dred dollars to the Methodist Episcopal Church of North
East, Maryland, as contained in the last will and testament
of the said Margaret S. Hughes, late of Cecil County, deceased.
(17) To the bequest of one thousand dollars contained in
the last will and testament of Hannah J. R. Creswell, late of
Cecil County, Maryland, deceased, to the Elkton Presbyterian
Church of Elkton, Cecil County, Maryland.
(18) To the bequest of five hundred dollars to the Society
for the Relief of Ministers and their Widows of the Reformed
Church in the United States, a religious body corporate of
the State of Maryland, located at Frederick, Frederick County,
Maryland, contained in the last will and testament of Mary A.
Stephan, late of Carroll County, in the State of Maryland,
deceased, now of record in the office of the Register of Wills