Orphans' Court of the District of Columbia on the 20th of
April, 1919.
(9) To the deed and conveyance of a lot of land in Asbury
District, Somerset County, Maryland, from Wilbur P. Cockran
and Josephine P. Cockran, his wife, to the Trustees of the
Asbury Methodist Episcopal Church, a religious corporation,
dated January 15th, 1920, and recorded among the Land Rec-
ords of Somerset County in Liber W. J. S. No. 80, folio 38,
&c., and to the holding and disposing of the same according
to law by said body corporate.
(10) To the following bequests contained in the last will
and testament of, Mary E. Price, deceased, probated in the
Orphans' Court of Queen Anne's County on May 5th, 1915,
(a) Bequest of five hundred dollars to the Methodist Epis-
copal Church of Crumpton, Queen Anne's County, State of
(b) Bequest of five hundred dollars to the Home Mission-
ary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church.
(c) Bequest of one-half of the residue of the estate of
said deceased to the Methodist Episcopal Church of Crumpton,
Queen Anne's County, in the State of Maryland.
(d) Bequest of one-half of the residue of the estate of said
deceased to the Methodist Hospital of the City of Philadelphia,
State of Pennsylvania.
(11) To the deed and conveyance of a lot of land from
Olivia G. Thompson to the Trustees of Immanuel Methodist
Episcopal Church of Crisfield, Maryland, a religious corpora-
tion, dated February 4, 1919, and recorded among the Land
Records of Somerset County in Liber W. J. S. No. 77, folio
479, &c., and to the holding and disposing of the same accord-
ing to law by the said body corporate.
(12) To the bequest of one thousand dollars contained in
the last will and testament of L. Edward P. Dennis, late of
Somerset County, deceased, to the Trustees of Immanuel
Methodist Episcopal Church, of Crisfield, Maryland, and to
their successors, in trust to invest the same and pay over the
annual income therefrom to the treasurer of said Trustees for
the purpose of paying the salary of the pastor and other cur-
rent expenses of said church, said will being dated August 2.