for Carroll County, among the Will Records in Liber W. A.
No. 11, folio 446, &c.
(19) To the following bequests contained in the last will
and testament of S. Raymond Senseney, late of Carroll County,
in the State of Maryland, deceased, now of record in the office
of the Register of Wills for Carroll County among the Will
Records in Liber W. A. No. 12, folio 187, &c.
(a) The sum of one hundred dollars to the Strawbridge
Methodist Episcopal Church, of Union Bridge, a religious body
corporated located at Union Bridge, Carroll County, Maryland.
(b) The sum of one hundred dollars to the Methodist
Protestant Church of Union Bridge, Maryland, a religious
body corporate, located at Union Bridge, Carroll County,
(c) The sum of one hundred dollars to St. James' Evan-
gelical Lutheran Church of Union Bridge, Maryland, a relig-
ious body corporate, located at Union Bridge. Carroll County,
(d) The sum of one hundred dollars to St. Paul's Re-
formed Church of Union Bridge, Maryland, a religious body
corporate, located at Union Bridge, Carroll County, Maryland.
(20) To the following gifts, grants, sales, leases and deeds,
to and for the use and benefit of "the German Evangelical
Lutheran, St. John's Congregation, of Baltimore County, First
District, Maryland," a body corporate, made to it by that name
and also to certain Trustees for it under the name of "St.
John's Congregation of the County of Baltimore," and under
the name of "the Evangelical Lutheran St. John's Congrega-
tion of Baltimore County, First District."
(a) To the sale, grant and lease by Charles Shipley and
wife to Ernst Horst and Frederick Elenbrok. Trustees of "the
St. John's Congregation of the County of Baltimore," dated
December 20, 1867, and recorded among the Land Records
of Baltimore County in Liber E. H. A. No. 57, folio 47.
(b) To the sale, grant and deed by Charles Shipley and
wife to Ernst Horst and Frederick Elenbrok. Trustees of "the
St. John's Congregation of the County of Baltimore," dated
January 13, 1868, and recorded among the Land Records of
Baltimore County in Liber E. H. A. No. 57, folio 241.
(c) To the sale, grant and deed by Ernst Horst and