(3) To the sale and conveyance by Angus P. Gray and
wife to the Trustees of the First Baptist Church of Crisfield.
Somerset County, Maryland, a body corporate, of a lot of
ground, described in a deed dated September 27, 1919. and
duly recorded among the Land Records of Somerset County in
Liber W. J. S. No. 79, folio 432, &c., and to the holding of said
lot by said corporation in fee simple with full power to sell,
lease, mortgage, or in any way to dispose of the same.
(4) To the bequest of one thousand dollars to the Vestry
of Emmanuel Church, Baltimore, Maryland, for the Endow-
ment Fund, contained in the last will and testament of Julia
D. Albert, late of Baltimore City, deceased, recorded in the
office of the Register of Wills for Baltimore City, in Wills,
Liber H. W. J. No. 129, folio 75, &c.
(5) To the bequest of one hundred dollars to the Trustees
of Saint John's Evangelical Lutheran Church commonly
known as Leister's Church, located near Westminster, Carroll
County, Maryland, the interest or income therefrom to be ap-
plied in the maintenance and keeping up of the late Zephania
Leister's burial lot, as set forth in the last will and testament
of Emaline I. Leister, late of near Westminster, Carroll Coun-
ty, Maryland, deceased, said will being dated April 16, 1914,
probated December 9, 1918, and duly recorded among the
Wills Records of Carroll County.
(6) To the bequest of two hundred dollars contained in
the last will and testament of William H. Wheeler, late of Bal-
timore County, deceased, to the Trustees of the Forest Baptist
Church, a body corporate, in Baltimore County, State of Mary-
land, said last will and testament being recorded in Liber W.
J. P. No. 16, folio 453, being one of the wills records in the
office of the Register of Wills of Baltimore County, Maryland.
(7) To a lease from John E. Welsh and Sadie R. Welsh,
his wife, and Mary Welsh to the Third English Evangelical
Lutheran Church of Baltimore, Maryland, dated October 30,
1919, and recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore City
in Liber S. C. L. No. 3473, folio 470.
(8) To the bequest of eleven thousand dollars made by
the will of Samuel Macldox, late of Washington, 1). C., de-
ceased, to St. Mark's Protestant Episcopal Church, Antietam
Parish, in Washington County, in the State of Maryland, said
will being dated August 8, 1912. and duly probated in the