Commission to supervise and license boxing and sparring
and wrestling exhibitions or performances, and providing
for license fees in connection with such exhibitions and
performances in the City of Baltimore.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That nineteen (19) new sections be, and they are, hereby
added to Article 56 of the Annotated Code of Maryland, title
"Licenses," said new sections to be under sub-title "Boxing,
Sparring and Wrestling," to be numbered 116-A, 116-B, 116-C,
116-D, 116-B, 116-F, 116-G, 116-H, 116-I, H6-J, 116-K, 116-L,
136-M, 116-N, 116-O, 116-P, 116-Q and 116-R, to follow im-
mediately after Section 116 of said Article, and to read as
116-A. A commission is hereby created which shall be
known as the State Athletic Commission, to be composed of
three commissioners. Immediately upon the taking effect of
this Act, the Governor shall appoint such commissioners (not
more than two of whom shall belong to the same political
party), one of whom shall hold office for the first two years,
another for the first four years, and another for the first six
years, following the passage and approval of. this Act. There-
after the term shall be six years.
The commission shall maintain general offices for the trans-
action of its business in the City of Baltimore. The members
of the commission shall, at their first .meeting after their ap-
pointment, elect one of their number chairman of the com-
mission and shall adopt a seal for the commission, and may
make such rules for the administration of their office, not in-
consistent herewith, as they may deem expedient; and they
may hereafter amend or abrogate such rules. Two of the
members of the commission shall constitute a quorum to do
business; and the concurrence of at least two commissioners
shall be necessary to render a choice or decision by the com-
mission, and each member of the commission shall be entitled
to receive his actual and necessary traveling expenses and
other expenses incurred by him in the performance of his
official duties, said expenses shall be payable out of the license
fees hereinafter provided. Each of said commissioners shall
give bond to the State of Maryland in the penal sum of ten
thousand dollars, conditioned upon the faithful performance
of his duties.