116-B. The commission shall appoint, and at pleasure re-
move, a secretary to the commission, whose duty it shall be to
keep a full and true record of all its proceedings, preserve at
its general offices all its books, documents and papers, prepare
for service such notices and other papers as may be required of
him by the commission, and to perform such other duties as
the commission may prescribe, and may, under the direction
of the commission, issue subpoenas for the attendance of wit-
nesses before the commission with the same effect as if they
were issued in an action in the courts of this State, and may,
under the direction of the commission, administer oaths in all
matters pertaining to the duties of his office or connected with
the administration of the affairs of the commission. Dis-
obedience of such a subpoena and false swearing before such
secretary shall be attended by the same consequence and be
subject to the same penalties as if such disobedience or false
swearing occurred in an action in the courts of this State.
The secretary of the commission shall receive a salary of nine
hundred dollars per annum and shall be entitled to receive his
actual and necessary traveling and other necessary expenses
incurred by him in the performance of his official duties, pay-
able out of said fees. The Commission shall annually make to
the Governor a full report of its proceedings for the year
ending June 1st each year, and may submit, with such report,
such recommendations pertaining to its affairs as to it shall
seem desirable. At the time of making said report, said com-
mission shall transmit to the Governor a full and detailed state-
ment of all its receipts and disbursements during the preceding
116-C. The commission is hereby given power to appoint
one special temporary inspector to represent the commission
at any performance or exhibition where it will be impossible
for some member of the commission to be present, and who
shall receive his actual and necessary traveling and other
necessary expenses incurred in the performance of his official
duties, payable out of said fees.
116-D. The commission shall have, and hereby is vested
with, the sole direction, management, control of and jurisdic-
tion over all boxing and sparring and wrestling matches and
exhibitions to be conducted, held or given within the State by
any person, club, corporation or association : and no boxing or