SEC, 130. That in case the person so elected shall fail to
execute the bonds required by the preceding section on or be-
fore the day prescribed for his entering upon the duties of
his office, or before the annual levy of taxes is placed in his
hands for collection, as the case may be, or in the event of the
Treasurer's removal from the county, death, resignation or re-
moval from office the County Commissioners shall declare said
office vacant, and at once proceed to fill the same by appoint-
ment of a suitable person possessing the qualifications herein
prescribed for the remainder of the current term, when a
Treasurer shall be elected for a full term of four years.
SEC. 131. He shall perform all the duties now by law re-
quired to be performed by said Treasurer, or which may be
required of him by any future law.
He shall receive as compensation for all his services as
Treasurer an annual salary of three thousand dollars, to be
paid monthly, which said sum shall be in lieu of all foes
and commissions.
SEC. 132. He shall have the power to appoint one assistant
at a salary not to exceed $1800.00, and another at a salary not
to exceed $1200.00, provided the business of his office shall
make such appointment or appointments necessary; and the
assistant or assistants so appointed shall take the oath of office
prescribed by the Constitution of this State, and shall execute
such bond or bonds as the said Treasurer may require.
SEC. 133. Repealed.
SEC. 134. He shall collect all taxes levied by the County
Commissioners, and shall receive all moneys due to said county
from any source whatever, and shall disburse the same under
the provisions of law and the order of the County Commis-
sioners. It shall be his duty to promptly deposit all moneys,
and receipts by him collected in some bank or banks, or bank-
ing institution or institutions of Montgomery County, and it
shall be obligatory upon said Treasurer to prefer, in selecting
such place or places of deposit, the bank or institution, or
banks or institutions which shall agree to pay two per cent
upon monthly balance of such deposit over such as may not be
willing to pay such interest.
SEC. 153. Repealed.