"Said clerk may, in the discretion of the County Commission-
ers, be allowed an assistant at a salary not to exceed $1500.00
per annum, said assistant to be bonded in the sum of
All vacancies in the office of Clerk shall be filled by the
County Commissioners.
He shall give his personal attendance at and keep open the
office of County Commissioners during business hours on
every week day excepting legal holidays. He shall have
charge of all records, books, etc., belonging to the office of the
County Commissioners, and shall not allow any of them to be
removed or taken from said office, except in obedience to a
summons or order of a Court of Law or Equity, of this
State, and shall deliver same to his successor; and shall per-
form such other duties as are authorized or directed by the
County Commissioners, not inconsistent with law.
SEC. 128-A. There shall be a Treasurer of Montgomery
County, who shall be a resident and qualified voter of said
county, and not less than twenty-five years of age on the
date of his election; he shall be elected at the general election
held in said Montgomery County in November, 1921, and shall
hold his office for the term of four years from the first Tues-
day of May next succeeding the date of his election, and upon
the expiration of his term his successor shall be elected in the
manner provided in this section. The County Commissioners
of Montgomery County are hereby directed to provide the
Treasurer with suitable office space in the Court House at
Rockville. The State's Attorney for Montgomery County is
hereby required and directed to advise and give legal assist-
ance to the said Treasurer when requested by the latter so to
do, as well as to furnish him with a written legal opinion on
any point arising in the performance of the duties of the said
County Treasurer. The Treasurer shall devote his personal
attention to the duties of the office, and the County Treasurer's
office shall be open for the transaction of business during the
business hours of each week during his term excepting legal
holidays. The County Commissioners are hereby authorized
and directed to pay the County Treasurer a sum not to ex-
ceed five hundred dollars ($500) per year for stationery and
incidental office expenses.