lars; and to add such school rooms as may be necessary to the
Gaithersburg High School at a cost not to exceed fifteen thou-
sand dollars; and to complete the school at Fairland and to
add at least two additional rooms to said school at a cost not
to exceed thirteen thousand dollars; and to erect and equip
a four-room building and to purchase land for same at or near
the village of Dickerson at a cost not to exceed the sum of
twelve thousand dollars, as the said County Board of Educa-
tion may deem necessary or desirable; and to erect and equip
an additional room to the Ednor public school at a cost not to
exceed three thousand dollars; and to repair, construct and
equip an additional room for school purposes and to purchase
land for the same at Redland at a cost not to exceed three
thousand dollars; provided, however, that the funds herein
enumerated and for the specific purposes herein outlined shall
be expended as herein set forth, and shall not be diverted for
any other purposes.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted. That for the purposes
of this Act the County Commissioners of said county be and
they are hereby authorized and directed to pay to the County
Board of Education of said county the sum of sixty-four
thousand dollars, together with such additional sum as may
be derived from the sale of the bonds hereinafter provided
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That for the purpose
aforesaid the said County Commissioners of said county are
hereby authorized, empowered and directed to borrow said
sum of money, and to secure said sum of money the said
County Commissioners are further authorized and empowered
to issue bonds of said county for the sum of sixty-four thou-
sand dollars, in such denominations and for such period as
said County Commissioners may deem expedient, the said
bonds to be issued in series maturing as said County Commis-
sioners shall determine, and bear interest not exceeding five
per centum per annum from date, all of which bonds shall be
exempt from county and municipal taxation in said county,
and for the purpose of paying such bonds as they mature, the
said County Commissioners are hereby directed to levy in each
and every year upon the assessable property of said county, to
be collected as other taxes are now or as may be directed by
any general or special law for the collection of county taxes,