such sum as shall be sufficient to pay the interest on such
bonds as may then remain unpaid; and also the principal of
such bonds as may mature within the fiscal year for which the
levy is made.
Approved April 9, 1920.
AN ACT to amend Article 33 of the Annotated Code, of Mary-
land, title "Elections," sub-title "Election Expenses—
Corrupt Practices," by adding a new section to be known
as Section 173-A and to follow immediately after Section
173, to prohibit the publication and distribution of any
anonymous literature about candidates at any election.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Article 33 of the Annotated Code of Maryland, title
"Elections," sub-title "Election Expenses—Corrupt Prac-
tices," be, and it is hereby amended by adding a new section
to be known as Section 173-A and to follow immediately after
Section 173, and to read as follows:
173-A. It shall be unlawful and shall be deemed a corrupt
practice for any person, association, organization, committee
or corporation to publish or distribute or. cause to be pub-
lished or distributed any pamphlet, circular, card, dodger,
poster, advertisement or any printed, multigraphed, photo-
graphed, typewritten or written matter or statement or any
matter or statement which may be copied by any device or
method now known for printing or copying or which may
hereafter be used for making copies of printed or written mat-
ter in any form whatever for publication or distribution, relat-
ing to or concerning any candidate or prospective candidate
for public office, unless such pamphlet, circular, card, dodger,
poster, advertisement or other form of publication herein
described contains the name or names of the person or per-
sons, association, committee or corporation responsible for the
publication or distribution of the same, and if an association,
committee or corporation is responsible for the publication or
distribution of the same, there shall be attached the names of
the officers of such association, committee or corporation. Any
person violating any provision of this section, or aiding and