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Session Laws, 1920
Volume 539, Page 1319   View pdf image (33K)
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etc., and shall also receive and be allowed the same fees as
other Justices of the Peace of said county in civil actions, and
shall be paid in the same manner as other Justices of the
Peace aforesaid, and in addition thereto shall be allowed the
sum of fifty dollars ($50.00) per month from the receipts of
his office from and after the passage of this Act; and all wit-
nesses in criminal cases living in the town of Rockville or
within two miles thereof summoned before the said Police Jus-
tice shall be allowed thirty-three cents per day and all other
witnesses in criminal cases summoned before said Police Jus-
tice shall be allowed fifty cents per day and two and one-half
cents per mile going to the office of said Police Justice as well
as returning from the office of said Police Justice.

SEC. 9. Be it enacted, That said Police Justice shall at the
first regular meeting of the County Commissioners of Mont-
gomery County, held in each month, make a report in writing
verified under oath, of all criminal cases heard or tried before
him, during the preceding month, which report shall state in
each case the name of the defendant, the offense charged, the
name of the person upon whose complaint the warrant was is-
sued, the number of witnesses summoned, the name of the offi-
cer serving the warrant and summons, the judgment rendered,
the amount of fine or penalty imposed, the amount of costs
taxed, which shall include all constables, or sheriff's fees, and
the amount, of fines and costs collected by him, and shall at
the time of making his report pay over to the County Commis-
sioners, all such fines, costs, penalties and forfeitures enumer-
ated in his said report,

SEC. 10. Be it enacted, That in the event of the absence of the
said Police Justice, any one of the Judges of the Circuit Court
for Montgomery County shall designate and appoint one of the
other Justices of the Peace of said county to act during his
absence, who shall for the time being be clothed with all the
powers and authorities of said Police Justice. And in the
event of death, removal or resignation of said Police Justice
so appointed by the provisions of this Act, any one of the
Judges of the Circuit Court for Montgomery County may ap-
point and designate one of the Justices of the Peace of said
county to act as and in the place of said Police Justice for
the remainder of the term, for which said Police Justice had
been appointed; provided, however, that said Justice so ap-


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Session Laws, 1920
Volume 539, Page 1319   View pdf image (33K)
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