pointed shall comply with the provisions of this Act in the
matter of giving bond and making reports as herein provided
SEC. 11. Be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of said
Police Justice and every other Justice of the Peace of the
said county to have all charges made against any person be-
cause of the alleged commission by such person of any criminal
offense carefully examined into to the end that while justice
shall be done, no person shall be subjected to costs or im-
prisonment without sufficient cause.
SEC. 12. Be it enacted, That in all criminal prosecution or
proceedings had before any Justice of the Peace, of Mont-
gomery County of which the said Justice has jurisdiction it
shall be the duty of the said Justice of the Peace, in the event
of conviction of the accused at. the said trial, to impose upon
the said accused so convicted the fine or fines and punishment
prescribed in the case of such conviction by the Act of the
Assembly of Maryland, or by ordinance of any incorporated
town, in Montgomery County, for the violation of which the
accused was so tried provided, however, that, no Justice of
the Peace shall have the power or authority to sentence any
committed prisoner for the commission of any felony. That
said Police Justice shall have the right to issue a summons for
the attendance of any witness in any case under considera-
tion by said Justice, and upon the failure of any person to at-
tend before said Justice in response to said summons at the
time and place mentioned in said summons, he shall be liable,
in the discretion of said Police Justice, to a fine not exceeding
$5.00, for his non-attendance in response to the said sum-
mons, which fine shall be collected as other fines are collected,
and in default of payment thereof by commitment to the Mont-
gomery County jail, for not exceeding 5 days, provided, how-
ever, the proof shows that a written or printed notice of the
said summons was duly served upon the witness in person by
someone duly authorized under the law to summon witnesses
in such case. That said Police Justice shall have the right
to preserve order and decorum when sitting in his office in the
discharge of his duties, and shall have the right to punish any
breach of order or decorum committed in his presence when so
sitting by a fine not exceeding $10.00, to be collected as other
fines are collected, and in default of payment thereof by com-