SEC. 6. Be it enacted, That whenever any warrant is sworn
out before any of the said Justices of the Peace for any offense
committed in said county, which offense the said Justice of
the Peace has no power to hear or try, then it shall be the duty
of the said Justice of the Peace before whom such a warrant
is; sworn out to make the same returnable before the said
Police Justice for hearing and trial.
SEC. 7. Be it enacted, That whenever any person shall be
arrested in said Montgomery County, upon any criminal
charge or for the violation of any law of this State whether
such arrest is made without writ or is made under a warrant
issued by any Justice of the Peace, of the said Montgomery
County, it shall be the duty of such officer making such arrest
or in whose custody the person so arrested may be, to take the
person so arrested before the said Police Justice or one of the
Justices of the Peace of said county according as is stated in
the command or return of the writ or warrant, for hearing or
trial, and in criminal cases the said Police Justice or Justices
of the Peace as the case may be, of his own motion, or on the
motion of the State's Attorney for said county may at any
time during the trial before final judgment amend the informa-
tion, warrant, docket entries, name of the offender or other
proceedings, in any such case pending before him : and in all
criminal trials in the Circuit Court for Montgomery County,
to which cases have been removed on an application for a
jury trial or on an appeal from the judgment of said Police
Justice, or the Justice of the Peace, the Circuit Court, no
motion of the State's Attorney for said county, may at any
time, before the trial, or during the progress of trial, or before
final judgment amend the information, warrant, docket en-
tries, name of the offender or other proceedings in such case;
so that before the Justice of the Peace, Police Justice or Cir-
cuit Court, as the case may be, such case may be tried, on its
merits and the purposes of justice subserved. Provided, how-
ever, that in the Circuit Court such amendment does not
change the character of the offense or crime with which the
accused is charged.
SEC. 8. Be it enacted, That said Police Justice shall be en-
titled, to and receive the fees now allowed by law to other
Justices of the Peace for issuing any warrant of arrest or sum-
mons, or for hearings, trials, judgments, commitments, releases,