a tax of one-thirtieth of one cent (1-30 of 1 cent) on each one
hundred dollars to meet the interest on the "Bridge Loan of
1920;" a tax of two-fifths of one cent (2-5 of 1 cent) on each
one hundred dollars to meet the interest on the "Construc-
tion Loan of 1920;" a tax of one cent (1 cent) on each one
hundred dollars to meet the interest on the "Lateral and
Post Eoads Loan of. 1920," making an aggregate of thirty-
five cents (35 cents) on each one hundred dollars for the year
1922. And there shall be duly levied, in accordance with law,
the same State taxes on the shares of the capital stock of all
banks, State and National, and other incorporated institutions
and companies of this State, the shares of whose capital stock
are liable by law to assessment and taxation.
Approved April 9, 1920.
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Section
243 of the Code of Public Local Laws for Anne Arundel
County, title "Germantown and Vicinity."
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Section 243 of the Code of Public Local Laws for
Anne Arundel County, title "Germantown and Vicinity," be
and the same is hereby repealed and re-enacted with amend-
ments so as to read as follows:
243. The policeman so appointed shall be paid a salary
not to exceed seventy-five dollars per month, and the County
Commissioners in making the annual levy shall provide for
the pay of the said officer monthly, payable in cash or by levy,
equivalent to cash. It shall be the duty of said Commis-
sioners to arm and equip said officer, and to make such rules
and regulations for his proper conduct and discipline.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That all payments of
salary heretofore made within said limitation of seventy-five
dollars per month be and the same are hereby authorized and
Approved April 16, 1920.