port of the public schools, said taxes for public schools to be
distributed according to law among the several counties and
the City of Baltimore; a tax of two-fifths of one cent (2-5 of
1 cent) on each one hundred dollars to meet the interest and
create a sinking fund for the redemption of the "Maryland
State Normal School Loan;" a tax of one-fourth of one cent
(1-4 of 1 cent) on each one hundred dollars to meet the inter-
est and create a sinking fund for the redemption of the "Con-
solidated Loan of 1913;" a tax of two and one-tenth (21-10
cents) on each one hundred dollars to meet the interest and
create a sinking fund for the redemption of the "State Loan
of 1912;" a tax of seven-twelfths of one cent (7-12 of 1 cent)
on each one hundred dollars to meet the interest and create
a sinking fund for the redemption of the principal of the
"Second Insane Hospital Loan;" a tax of two-fifths of one
cent (2-5 of 1 cent) on each one hundred dollars to meet the
interest and create a. sinking fund for the redemption of the
"Technical School Loan of 1912;" a tax of two and two-
fifths (2 2-5 cents) on each one hundred dollars to meet the
interest and create a sinking fund for the redemption of the
"State Roads Loan;" a tax of one-third of one cent (1-3 of 1
cent) on each one hundred dollars to meet the interest and
create a sinking fund for the redemption of the "State Insane
Hospital Loan;" a tax of seven-tenths of one cent (7-10 of 1
cent) on each one hundred dollars to meet the interest and
create a sinking fund for the redemption of the "Public
Highways Loan of 1910;" a tax of four and one-half cents
(4 1-2 cents) on each one hundred dollars to meet the interest
and pay the installment on the "State Roads Loan of 1914;"
a tax of two and one-tenth cents (2 1-10 cents) on each one
hundred dollars to meet the interest and pay the installment
on the "$3,000,000.00 Loan of 1916;" a tax of one and two-
fifths cents (1 2-5 cents) on each one hundred dollars to meet
the interest and pay the installment on the "Treasury Re-
lief Loan of 1916;" a tax of two-thirds of one cents (2-3 of 1
cent) on each one hundred dollars to meet the interest and pay
the installment on the "State Omnibus Loan of 1914;" a tax
of seven-tenths of one cent (7-10 of 1 cent) on each one hun-
dred dollars to meet the interest and pay the installment on
the "State Loan of 1918;" a tax of two and one-thirtieth
cents (2 1-30 cents) on each one hundred dollars to meet the
interest and pay'the installment on the "Road Loan of 1918;"