one hundred dollars to meet the interest and create a sinking
fund for the redemption of the "Second Insane Hospital
Loan;" a tax of two-fifth's of one cent (2-5 of 1 cent) on each
one hundred dollars to meet the interest and create a sinking
fund for the redemption of the "Technical School Loan of
1912;" a tax of two and two-fifths cents (2 2-5 cents) on each
one hundred dollars to meet the interest and create a sinking
fund for the redemption of the "State Roads Loan;" a tax
of one-third of one cent (1-3 of 1 cent) on each one hundred
dollars to meet the interest and create a sinking fund for
the redemption of the "State Insane Hospital Loan;" a tax
of seven-tenths of one cent (7-10 of one cent) on each one hun-
dred dollars to meet the interest and create a sinking fund
for the redemption of the "Public Highways Loan of 1910;"
a tax of four and one-half cents (4 1-2 cents) on each one
hundred dollars to meet the interest and pay the installment
on the "State Roads Loan of 1914;" a tax of two and one-
tenth cents (2 1-10 cents) on each one hundred dollars to meet
the interest and pay the installment on the "$3,000,000.00
Loan of 1916;" a tax of one and two-fifths (1 2-5 cents) on
each one hundred dollars to meet the interest and pay the
installment on the "Treasury Relief Loan of 1916;" a tax
of two-thirds of one cent (2-3 of 1 cent) on each one hundred
dollars to meet the interest and pay the installment on the
"State Omnibus Loan of 1914;" a tax of seven-tenths of one
cent (7-10 of 1 cent) on each one hundred dollars to meet the
interest and pay the installment on the "State Loan of 1918 ;"
a tax of two cents (2 cents) on each one hundred dollars to
meet the interest and pay the installment, on the "Road Loan
of 1918;" a tax of one-tenth of one cent (1-10 of 1 cent) on
each one hundred dollars to meet the interest on the "Con-
struction Loan of 1920;" a tax of seven-tenths of one cent
(7-10 of 1 cent) on each one hundred dollars to meet the in-
terest on the "Lateral and Post Roads Loan of 1920." mak-
ing an aggregate of thirty-five' and one-third cents (35 1-3
cents) on each one hundred dollars for the year 1921. And
the County Commissioners of the several counties of the Statt-,
and the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore are directed
to levy the State taxes, to be collected according to law, and
to be apportioned for the year nineteen hundred and twenty-
two, and annually thereafter, as follows: A tax of fifteen
cents (15 cents) on each one hundred dollars to aid in the sup-