(d) For the assistance of measures for the prevention and
cure of disease.
(e) For investigating or promoting the investigation or
research into the causes of ignorance and poverty, preventing
the operation of such causes, and remedying or ameliorating
the conditions resulting therefrom.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That the said body
corporate shall be managed by seven trustees, all of whom
shall be citizens of the State of Maryland, men or women, who
are interested in welfare work and who possess some practical
knowledge of needs of said city. At no time shall more than
two of said trustees belong to the same religious sect or denomi-
nation, nor shall more than two women be trustees at one time.
From and after the first appointment of trustees, as provided
in this section, no person holding or seeking an elective political
office shall be a trustee and any trustee who shall be nominated
for a political office shall thereupon without further proceed-
ings cease to be a trustee. Any trustee who removes his resi-
dence from the State of Maryland or who fails to attend the
regular meetings of the trustees for one year shall without
further proceedings cease to be a trustee. Until trustees are
appointed as herein provided the persons named in Section 1
of this Act shall be trustees.
Authority to appoint the seven trustees herein provided
for is hereby conferred as follows:
The Governor of Maryland may appoint one.
The Mayor or chief executive officer of the City of Balti-
more may appoint one.
The Chief Judge of the Supreme Bench of Baltimore City
may appoint one.
The Judge of the United States District Court for the Dis-
trict of Maryland may appoint one.
The President of The Johns Hopkins University may ap-
point one.
The President of The Board of Trade of Baltimore may-
appoint two.
Nothing herein contained shall be construed as imposing
the legal duty upon any of the above-named persons of mak-
ing an appointment to such trusteeship, but the exercise of
the power to so appoint or not, shall be entirely discretionary
with each such person.