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Session Laws, 1920
Volume 539, Page 1070   View pdf image (33K)
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those portions of Montgomery and Prince George's Counties
outside of said District, which shall block or impede the pro-
gress of the Commission's water supply, sewerage or drain-
age system, while in process of construction and establish-
ment, shall, upon reasonable notice from said Commission,
promptly so shift, adjust, accommodate or remove the same,
at their own cost and expense as to fully meet the exigencies
occasioning such notice; and should the exigencies of any
case involve the taking, in the constitutional sense, of the
franchise or right in the exercise of which such construction
had its origin, the Commission shall be empowered to condemn
an easement in said franchise or right. Every public service
corporation, company or individual, before it or they shall
begin any underground construction in any street, road, alley
or public highway within the Sanitary District, shall file with
the Commission a plan of such construction showing the
location and depth in such street, road, alley or public high-
way of the proposed main, conduit or pipe; which plans must
be approved by the Commission before such construction is
begun; and when approved no change shall be made in the
physical location of anything shown upon said plan except
upon the approval of said Commission. Whenever any such
underground main, conduit or pipe is put in without the
filing of plans with -the said Commission and the approval
thereof, or when any change is made iu the physical location
of such underground main, conduit or pipe, as shown upon
the plans approved by said Commission, or any approved
change therein, the Commission may, when such conduit, main
or pipe interferes with the construction or operation of its
water and sewer systems, remove the same or change the loca-
tion thereof at the cost and expense of the party so putting
them in, or its successors, and without any liability upon the
part of the Commission for damage that might be done to
the same by reason of the Commission's operations in con-
structing or maintaining its systems. Any violation of the
provisions of this Section shall be a misdemeanor punishable
under Section 21 of Chapter 122 of the Acts of 1918.

Approved April 16, 1920.


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Session Laws, 1920
Volume 539, Page 1070   View pdf image (33K)
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