election held in their county for the performance of the duties
therein required, to be levied as other county charges; pro-
vided, that when two or more elections are to. be held the
same day the sheriff shall not be allowed more than twelve
dollars for such election (except in Baltimore City.) ; all
judges, whether acting as or sitting as officers of registration,
and clerks of election, shall be allowed and paid three dollars
per day; fractions of a day shall be allowed for at the rate
of thirty cents an hour. In the City of Baltimore, in the
year 1907, and thereafter, the judges when acting as officers
of registration shall be allowed and paid eight dollars a day,
and all judges and clerks when sitting as officers of election
shall be allowed and paid ten dollars for each election con-
ducted by them; each judge and each clerk of election who
has performed all the duties and services required of him by
this article shall be allowed pay for his time as above provided.
When any judge or clerk does not perform all the services
required by this article, then such board of supervisors of
elections shall audit his time and allow him compensation
only for the time during which he has actually served.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall
take effect from the first day of June, 1920.
Approved April 9, 1920.
AN ACT to correct an error in the location point in the
Patent from the State of Maryland to Calvin H. Evans
and Harvey P. Pruitt on April 11, 1916, to a tract of
land on an island known as "Goose Island," in the Isle
of Wight Bay, in Worcester County, the said Patent
being recorded among the records of the Land Office of
the State of Maryland.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the location point in the Patent from the
State of Maryland to Calvin H. Evans and Harvey P. Pruitt
on April 11, 1916, to a tract of land on an island known as
"Goose Island," in the Isle of Wight Bay, in Worcester
County, be corrected by substituting "Isle of Wight Life
Saving Station" in the first call in place of "North Beach
Life Saving Station."