AN ACT to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Sections 6
and 118 of Article 33 of the Annotated Code of Mary-
land, entitled, "Elections," by increasing the number of
clerks and utility men to the Board of Election Super-
visors of Baltimore City, increasing the compensation of
certain election officials of Baltimore City.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Sections 6 and 118 of Article 33 of the Anno-
tated Code of Maryland, entitled, "Elections," be and the
same are hereby repealed and re-enacted, with amendments,
so as to read as follows:
SEC. 6. The Board of Supervisors of Elections of the sev-
eral counties may have clerks, with the consent of the County
Commissioners, for their respective counties, at such compen-
sation as the said County Commissioners may fix. The Super-
visors of Election of the City of Baltimore shall have a chief
clerk at a salary of three thousand dollars ($3,000.00) and
assistant chief clerk at a salary of twenty-five hundred dol-
lars ($2,500.00), and a deputy clerk at a salary of two thou-
sands two hundred and fifty dollars ($2,250.00) and one
assistant clerk at two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) and one
deputy assistant clerk at a salary of eighteen hundred dol-
lars ($1,800.00), and four utility men at a salary of fifteen
hundred dollars ($1,500.00) each, and one annex clerk at a
salary of seventeen hundred dollars ($1,700.00) per annum.
The said clerks, and in the City of Baltimore, the chief clerk,
assistant chief clerk, deputy clerk, assistant clerk, deputy as-
sistant clerk, four utility men and one annex clerk shall be
appointed by the respective boards of supervisors and shall
be removable by them in their discretion. In Baltimore City,
the chief clerk, assistant chief clerk, deputy clerk, assistant
clerk and deputy assistant clerk, with the approval of the
supervisors shall, from time to time, secure such temporary
assistance as may be necessary for the proper transaction of
the business of the office, but the compensation of such assist-
ants to be paid by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore,
upon requisition by the said supervisors, shall not exceed the
sum of two thousand ($2,000.00) dollars in any one year.
SEC. 118. The sheriffs in the several counties shall, respec-
tively, be allowed the sum of twelve dollars ($12.00) for each