tributions made thereto by the State, and the interest thereon,
will purchase on the basis of McClintock's table of mortality
among annuitants, and an interest rate of three and a half per
cent per annum; or, (2) at his option, he shall be entitled to
receive an annuity of less amount, as may be determined by the
retirement board for annuitants electing such option, with
the provision that if the annuitant dies before receiving pay-
ments equal to the sum of his assessments hereunder and the
contributions made thereto by the State, as hereinbefore pro-
vided, with interest, the difference between the total amount
of said payments and the total amount of such assessments and
contributions, with interest, shall be paid as an annuity to a
surviving husband, or wife, as the case may be, or to his or
her legal representatives as such member may elect, subject to
such reasonable rules and regulations as the retirement board
may prescribe.
SEC. 13. And be it further enacted, That any teacher al-
ready in the service of the State when this Act takes effect,
who shall become a member of the retirement association when
forty-five years of age or older, shall on retiring as herein-
after provided, be entitled to receive the allowance prescribed
in the preceding section for members entering the service of
the State as teachers after the passage of this Act, and such
additional allowance from the State as may be determined by
the retirement board, the same to be paid as provided in the
preceding section; but his total annuity hereunder shall not
exceed one-half his average annual salary throughout his entire
period of active service in the State.
SEC. 14. And be it further enacted, That a member of the
retirement association, who shall have been a teacher in the
public schools or in educational institutions supported and con-
trolled by the State, at least six years, and who shall become
totally and permanently disabled to teach, as determined upon
examination by physicians approved by the retirement board,
shall receive an annuity based upon the accumulated sum of
his contributions and the contributions of the State, with inter-
est, calculated on the basis of McClintock's table of mortality
among annuitants and three and a half per cent interest, with
such additional annual allowance from the State as the retire-
ment board, in the exercise of sound discretion, shall deem
equitable, the same being limited by his earning capacity in
other occupations, such additional allowance to be continued