half of his contribution to the annuity fund and the additional
allowance provided in Section 13 of this Act.
Provided, however, that the State shall not be called upon
to pay into said annuity fund more than fifty dollars in any
year on account of the contribution of any one member of said
retirement association.
SEC. 9. And be, it further enacted. That the contributions
made by the members of the retirement association to the
annuity fund hereinbefore created, shall be credited as made
to such members severally in individual accounts up to the
time of retirement, and at the same time each member so con-
tributing shall be credited individually with his share of the
amount contributed by the State. Contributing members shall
also be credited with the interest earned by their sereval con-
tributions and by the contribution made by the State as afore-
SEC. 10. And be it further enacted,That any member of
the retirement association, who shall have served as a public
school teacher for a period of thirty years, of which twenty
years, and the last five preceding retirement, shall have been
in this State, may retire from service in the public schools or
educational institutions supported and controlled by the State,
or after attaining the age of sixty-two years, without forfeiting
any of the benefits of the retirement system; and at any time
thereafter, if incapa.ble of rendering satisfactory service, such
member may be so retired, with the approval of the retirement
SEC. 11. And be it further enacted, That any member of the
retirement association, who shall have withdrawn from service
in the public schools of the State, shall, on being re-employed
therein, be reinstated in the retirement association upon such
terms and conditions as shall be prescribed by the retirement-
SEC. 12. And be it further enacted, That except as here-
inafter provided, a member of the retirement association who
shall have retired from service in the public schools or educa-
tional institutions supported and controlled by the State, and
who shall have complied with all the provisions of this Act
and with the rules and regulations of the retirement board
hereby authorized, shall be entitled to receive from the annuity
fund hereinbefore established (1) such annuity as his contribu-
tions to said fund, with interest thereon, together with the con-