so long, and in such amount, as the retirement board may
determine; provided, however, that in no event shall the total
sum received annually by such member, under this section,
including his annuity and the additional allowance above pro-
vided for exceed half of his average annual salary throughout
his entire period of service as determined by the retirement
If such retiring member should die before receiving in the
form of an annuity all of the accumulations up to the time of
his disability from his own and the State's annual contribu-
tions on his account, the balance shall be paid to his or her
legal representatives, as he or she may elect, subject to such
rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the retirement
SEC. 15. And be it further enacted, That (1) any member
of the retirement association withdrawing from service in the
public schools of the State, or any educational institution sup-
ported and controlled by the State, by resignation or dis-
missal, before becoming eligible to retirement under the pro-
visions of this Act, shall be entitled to receive from the annuity
fund all amounts contributed thereto as assessments, and, if
at the time of such withdrawal, such member shall have served
in the public schools of the State or in any educational insti-
tutions supported and controlled by the State, six years or
more, he shall be entitled to receive, in addition, the contribu-
tions made by the State on his account as hereinbefore pro-
vided, but if dismissed, he should not receive the State's
(2) In case of the death of such member under the circum-
stances above set forth, the several amounts to which he would
be entitled, if living, shall be paid to a siirviving husband or
wife, or to the legal representatives of such deceased member,
as may be elected, subject to the rules and regulations of the
retirement board.
(3) In the case of the death or withdrawal from service of
such member before the completion of six years of service in
the public schools of the State or in any educational institu-
tions supported and controlled by the State, the contributions
made by the State on his account, as hereinbefore provided,
shall be placed in the reserve fund hereinafter established,
for the general purposes of the retirement system.