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Session Laws, 1920
Volume 539, Page 1048   View pdf image (33K)
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State upon the warrant of the Comptroller, and such proceeds
shall be used exclusively for the following purposes, to wit:

The Comptroller shall immediately upon the sale of and
payment for said bonds or certificates of indebtedness, first re-
turn to and credit the Treasury with whatever advances or
payments may have been made, as provided for by Section 5 of
this Act. The remainder of the proceeds of said loan shall be
credited to the State Roads Commission and shall be turned
over to it for the following purposes from time to time when-
ever necessary:

Said proceeds shall be used and expended by the State Roads
Commission, first, for the purpose of meeting any obligations
imposed upon the State by its assent to any Act of Congress
appropriating Federal aid to the several States in the con-
struction of rural post roads; and second, the remainder of
said proceeds shall be used with an equal sum to be raised by
the several counties of the State for the purpose of building
such lateral roads in said counties as may be selected by the
State Roads Commission, the money expended for such roads
in each of said counties to be determined according to the road
mileage of their respective county roads.

SEC. 7. And be it further enacted, That the State Koads
Commission shall immediately, after the going into effect of
this Act, make a survey of the several counties of the State for
the purpose of determining what post roads and lateral roads
shall be constructed under the provisions hereof, the money
expended for the lateral roads and post roads constructed in
each of the several counties to be in the same ratio as the
county road mileage of such county bears to the entire county
road mileage of the State, subject only to such change or altera-
tion as may be made necessary by the Act or Acts of Con-
gress appropriating Federal aid to the several States for the
construction of such post roads. The State Roads Commission
shall, upon the completion of such survey, send to the county
papers in each of the counties a list of the roads to be built in
such county, distinguishing between those roads to be built
as rural post roads with Federal aid and those roads to be built
as lateral roads with county aid. The cost of the construc-
tion of the lateral roads shall be paid one-half out of the pro-
ceeds hereof set apart for such purpose, as provided in Sec-
tion 6, and the other half from funds to be provided by the

county in which such read is located. The State Roads Com-


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Session Laws, 1920
Volume 539, Page 1048   View pdf image (33K)
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