mission shall cause to be made an estimate of the cost of con-
struction of each of said lateral roads, and shall notify the
County Commissions or other levying authority in each of said
counties on or before January 1st in each year, of the estimated
cost of such roads to be built in said counties in the next year.
It shall he the duty of the proper authorities in each county to
provide by assessing a tax upon the taxable basis of said
county, or by borrowing upon the faith and credit of said
county, or by special assessments and benefits assessed upon
the property especially benefitted by said road, or by levying
a tax upon the property within a special assessment district
created for the purpose, or by a combination of two or more of
these methods, or in any manner which, in their discretion, is
proper, lawful and equitable, to raise during said year one-
half of the cost of the construction of the lateral roads to be
built within the limits of such county, the duty of raising said
amount being, hereby made mandatory upon the proper au-
thorities of each of said counties and subject to enforcement
by mandamus at the instance of the State Roads Commission.
Full power and authority is hereby granted to the County
Commissioners or other lawfully constituted authorities of
each and every county to raise said money in any of the
ways hereinbefore set out, and in case they decide to raise the
same by borrowing upon the faith and credit of the county,
they are authorized to issue the bonds or certificates of in-
debtedness of said county to the extent of the amount so
needed upon such terms and conditions and with such rate
of interest and with such dates of maturity as to them may
seem best. The lateral road money raised by each and every
county as hereinbefore provided shall be paid to the State
Roads Commission at such time and in such amounts and under
such guarantees as the said State Roads Commission shall
from time to time determine.
SEC. 8. And be it further enacted, That the State Roads
Commission is hereby authorized and directed to ask for bids
and enter into contracts in the usual form for the construction
of such rural post roads or lateral roads as it may from time
to time, under the provisions hereof, determine to .construct,
said contracts to be made in the name of the State Roads Com-
mission and to contain the same provisions now required
by law for contracts for the building of State roads. The
term "rural post road" as used herein, provided it shall not