Passed Mar. 21
Resolution authorising the Governor and Council to ap-
point Commissioners for purposes herein mentioned.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Governor and Council be, and they are hereby au-
thorised and required, on or before the first Monday of
May next, to appoint three Commissioners, two of
Corcester county and one from Somerset county, and
they are hereby authorised to make a requisition on the
Governor of the State for the services of the State's
Engineer, and should they not get the services of the
Engineer, then they or any two of them, shall be au-
thorised to employ an engineer, and to make a recon-
noisance and survey, and to estimate the cost of a rail
road from or near the town of Salisbury, by or near
Mitchell's bridge on the Pocomoke river, and by or near
the town of Berlin to some navigable water on, or
emptying into the Sinepuxent or Newport bay, and also
to make a reconnoisance and survey, and estimate the
cost of a canal from some point on the Pocomoke river,
at or above Mitchell's bridge, to the St. Martin's river,
with a divergent route to. any one or more of the places
Herein mentioned, or to connect the said route or routes
with any other works of improvement authorised by
this State or the States of Delaware or Virginia, in-
cluding in such estimates the lands and right of way
with the necessary buildings, vehicles and all appurte-
nances, and the Executive are hereby auhorised to ad-
just and allow for such reconnoisance and survey such
compensation and expenses as may seem reasonable,
and draw therefor on the Treasurer of the Western