ing, that is to say: the sum of five hundred dollars for
procuring desks and chairs, for six additional delegates,
for purchasing a carpet for the chamber of the House
of Delegates, and for painting the said chamber and its
adjacent committee room, and other necessary repairs
therein; the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars for
repairing the chamber commonly called the old armo-
ry, and furnishing the same as a committee room for
the use of the House of Delegates; the sum of eight
hundred dollars for repairing and furnishing the cham-
ber used for the sittings of the Court of Appeals and
Court of Chancery; and the sum of one hundred dol-
lars for repairing the Chancery Office, the Adjutant
General's Office, Land Office, and other offices in the
State House; the sum of one thousand dollars for paint-
ing the exterior of the State House, and repairing the
dome thereof; the sum of three hundred dollars for
building a wood house, and the sum of three hundred
dollars for improving the grounds within the public
Resolved, That the repairs and improvements hereby
authorised to be made under the direction of some
suitable person or persons to be appointed by the Gov-
ernor and Council, and the said persons are hereby
strictly prohibited in making contracts for the same,
for exceeding the appropriations hereby made for the
same purposes respectively, and the said suras of mo-
ney hereby appropriated or so much thereof, as shall be
necessary for the aforesaid purposes, shall be paid on
the order of the Governor and Council, out of any mo-
nies in the Treasury, not otherwise appropriated.
Resolved, That the sum of one thousand eight hun-
dred and fifty dollars, be, and the same is hereby ap-
propriated for completing the repairs of the Govern-
ment House, and enclosing the grounds, under the di-
rection of the Governor for the time being, and the
same sum of money or so much thereof as shall be ne-
cessary for the purposed aforesaid, shall be paid on the
order of the Governor and Council, out of any money,
in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated.