Resolution authorising Dr. Dennis Claude, George G.
Brewer and David Ridgely, to cause to be construct-
ed under the ball of the House of Delegates, a for-
nace for warming said hall by means of heated air.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
Dr. Dennis Claude, George G. Brewer, and David
Ridgely, or any two of them, be authorised and em-
powered to cause to be constructed, under the hall of
the House of Delegates, a furnace for warming said
hall by means of heated air: That such furnace shall
be of sufficient power to heat the said hall, its commit-
tee room, and the room occupied by the Court of Ap-
peals, to any desirable degree of warmth in the coldest
weather; and that they cause to be constructed all ne-
cessary flues and other fixtures which may be necessary
for warming in the best manner the said hall and its
committee room, and that they cause said furnace to be
so constructed as that fines can be conducted therefrom
into the room occupied by the Court of Appeals, when-
ever it may be advisable to warm said room by means
of said furnace: That said furnace shall be constructed
upon the best plan, and of the best materials and work-
manship: That they shall take from the person, with
whom they may contract for the erection of said for-
nace, a bond to the State of Maryland in the penalty
of one thousand dollars with security to be by them
approved, conditioned for the proper construction and
performance of said furnace, and they are hereby au-
thorised to draw on the Treasurer of the Western Shore
for the amount of the entire cost of said furnace, pro-
vided the same, including excavation and every other
charge and expense, shall not exceed six hundred dol-
Passed Mar. 20,