widow of John Gwyn, or order, out of any unappropri-
ated money in the Treasury, the half pay of a ser-
geant during her life, as a further remuneration for
his services during the revolution.
No. 55.
Resolution in favor of Mary Carlin.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Treasurer of the Western Shore, be, and he is
hereby authorized and directed to pay 10 Mary Carlin
widow of William Carlin, a soldier of the revolution,
out of any unappropriated money in the Treasury, the
half pay of a private, as a further remuneration for
his services, during'her life.
No. 56.
Passed Mar. 21,
Resolution authorizing the State Librarian to procure
for the State of Maryland, certain works therein
WHEREAS, it has been ascertained by means of cer-
tain extracts, which have been taken from documents
relating to the first settlement and early history of
the Province of Maryland, which now remain among
the archives of the Jesuits at Rome, that an interest-
ing and authentic Narrative, or History of Maryland,
composed in Latin by Father Andrew White, the first
Missioner to Maryland, and fellow voyager with Leon-
ard Calvert, in M. S. is easily acccssable, and that a
copy of the same may be procured at a comparatively
small expense, and it has heretofore been deemed high-
ly important, as it is interesting to the patriotic citizens
of this State to obtain correct information of their
origin, and the progress of their ancestors to the en-
joyment of a firm and stable government, and it is pro-
per therefore, that all authentic material for history
should be placed within their reach.
Passed Mnr. 20,