Be it therefore resolved by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the State Librarian, be, and he is
hereby authorised and required, to solicit the Rev. Wil-
liam McSherry, of Charles county, the now Provin-
cial of the Jesuits, to use his endeavours to procure
for the State of Maryland, an accurate transcript of
the said Narrative or History, and of any other docu-
ment, relating to the early History of Maryland, that
may chance to be lodged in the said Archives or in
other Jesuit Houses in Europe, and to contract for pro-
curing such transcript, at an expense not exceeding
five hundred dollars, and that the Treasurer of the
Western Shore, be, and be is hereby authorized and
required to advance from time to time upon the order
of the said Librarian, such portions of the said sum of
money, as may be required for carrying this resolution
into effect.
And be it further resolved, That the said transcript
or transcripts when obtained, be deposited and preserv-
ed in the State Library.
No. 57.
Passed Mar.21,
Resolution for the payment for the Newspapers.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Treasurer of the Western Shore, pay to George G.
Brewer, Chief Clerk of the House of Delegates, and
Joseph H. Nicholson, Chief Clerk of the Senate, out
of any unappropriated money in the Treasury, the
amount of the several accounts that may from time to
time be presented to him by said clerks, for newspa-
pers furnished by them for the use of the members of
their respective houses, in accordance with an order
adopted by said house for that purpose.