hereby authorised and directed to pay to George G.
Brewer, Chief Clerk, and Eli Duvall, AssistantClcrk
of the House of Delegates, and Joseph H. Nicliolson,
Cliicf Clerk, and John N. Watkins, Assistant Clerk
of the Senate, each fifty dollars, as a further remunera-
tion for their services during the present session.
Passed Mar. 11
No. 52.
Resolution in favor of the Committee Clerks.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Treasurer of the Western Shore be, and he is here-
by authorised to pay to Benjamin Scegar, Wm. E.
Nicholson, Joseph C. Talbott, Robert W. Carter and
Richard L. Machall, Committee Clerks of the House
of Delegates, and Samuel W. Spencer, Committee
Clerk of the Senate, the sum of fifty dollars each, as a
further compensation for their diligence and attention
to the business of the Legislature.
No. 53.
Passed Mar. 20,
Resolution relative to the Printing and delivery of the
Laws of the present Session.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the committee on public printing be instructed in
making their contract for the publication of the Laws,
which may be passed at the present session, to insert
a provision compelling the publication, and delivery of
said Laws within sixty days after the termination of
this session.
No. 54.
Passed Mar. 21
Resolution in favour of Julia Gwyn.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Treasurer of the Western Shore, be, and he is
hereby authorized and directed to pay to Julia Gwyn