CHAP. 48.
corporation herein erected, or may he admitted into
said corporation agreeably to the constitution, rules
and by-laws of the same, andtheir successors, are
hereby declared to be one community, corporation and
body politic, by the name, style and title of the Friend-
ship Beneficial Society of Baltimore; provided never-
theless, the said corporation may be dissolved at any
time by the consent of its members, as is hereinafter
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the affairs of said
society shall be managed and conducted by a presi-
dent, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, five stew-
ards, and a messenger, to be elected annually on the
second Tuesday in January, in each and every year, in
such manner as said society shall think proper to ap-
Corporate pow-
ers granted.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the present mem-
bers of said society, and their successors, by their cor-
porate names, shall and may have succession, and may
be at all times hereafter, persons able and capable in
law, to purchase, take, have and enjoy, to them and
their successors, in fee or less estate or estates, any
lands, tenements, rents, annuities, chattels, United
States stock, bank stock, registered debts, or other
public securities within this State, and the same at their
pleasure to alien, sell, transfer or lease, in such man-
ner as they may judge most conducive to the charita-
ble uses of said society; provided nevertheless, that the
said corporation shall not at any one time hold or
possess property, real, personal or mixed, exceeding
in total value the sum of ten thousand dollars.
By laws author
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the said corpora-
tion may form such rules and regulations, and enact
such by-laws as may be necessary for assuring and
carrying into effect the benevolent purposes of this act;
provided, such rules, regulations and by-laws, be not
repugnant to the constitution and laws of the United
States, of the State of Maryland, or of the corpora-
tion of the city of Baltimore.
Present officers
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That all appointments
of office for the said society heretofore made by the
members in their private capacities, shall respectively
continue and be in full force until the time specified by