CHAP. 308.
and exercise, in relation to said lands, all the powers
which might or could be exercised by the commission-
ers of the tax of any county in this State, in like cases,
in virtue of the act for the more effectual collection of
the county charges in the several counties in this State,
Mod. of collec-
passed at November Session, seventeen hundred and
ninety-seven, chapter ninety, and the collector of any
school district shall have the same powers and authori-
ty, and b'e subject to the same rules, regulations and
duties, in the premises, as by law appertain to the of-
fice of the collector of the county charges in like cases.
Declared reme-
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That the aforesaid act for
the public instruction of youth in primary schools
throughout this state, and this act, be and the same
are hereby declared to be public and remedial acts,
and shall be construed by all courts of justice accord-
ing to the equity thereof, and no proceedings of the
inhabitants, or of the trustees of the school district,
shall be set aside or adjudged to be void, for defect of
form, or for any irregularity therein, so as the requi-
sitions of said acts are substantially complied with.
Trustees to re-
School fund ap-
plied until
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty
of the trustees of each school district in said county,
to report to the commissioners of primary schools, on
or before the fifteenth day of December in each and
every year, the amount of money received, the number
of children educated, the amount given to their teach-
er, &c. and it shall be duty of the commissioners of
primary schools, annually to report to the legislature.
SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That the school fund
now belonging to or that may hereafter be apportioned
to said county, shall be used and applied as at present
until the said county shall have been laid off into dis-
tricts, and schools shall have been established in at
least five of such districts.
Passed Mar. 21
An act to Incorporate the Planters and Farmers Hotel
Persons incor-
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Sheppard C. Leakin, Samuel Wilson,