Patrick McKew, Joseph Matthews, Abraham Martin,
Samuel McClellan, Townscnd Scott, Joshua Turner,
Elijah Taylor, Thomas Nelson, Charles B. Green,
Robert Holloway, Eli Matthews, John Rodgers, and
Thomas Kelso, and all such persons as shall associate
with them, by becoming stockholders in the manner
hereinafter provided, their successors and assigns,
shall be, and they are hereby created and constituted
CHAP. 308.
a body politic and corporate, by the name, style and
title of the Planters and Farmers Hotel Company, and
by that name shall have continued succession as a cor-
poration, and be capable of having and using a corpo-
rate seal, and of transacting business by their officers
and agents without a seal, of suing and being sued, of
purchasing, holding, leasing and otherwise disposing
of lands not exceeding in quantity two acres, within
the city of Baltimore, and improving and using the
same, and of purchasing, holding, using and disposing
of all kinds of goods, chattels, effects, and rights, and
generally to do, and receive all such acts as are or
shall be usual, proper, and necessary, as a corporation
Corporate pow-
for the purpose of erecting, providing, furnishing, and
leasing or carrying on a Tavern and market yard, on
High street, Old Town, in the city aforesaid, and all
necessary appendages and appurtenances, and trans-
acting all business incident to or connected therewith,
or useful, proper and necessary, to render the same
useful and convenient to the public, and beneficial to
themselves, as fully as any corporate body in reference
to the objects of its incorporation, or any individuals,
might, may or could lawfully do.
Objects defined
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the capital stock ai
the said company shall be divided into shares of twenty-
five dollars each, and shall not exceed four thousand
Capital- shares
shares; and every person who shall become the owner
of one or more shares of the said capital stock by sub-
scribing, and paying for the same in such manner as
shall be authorised pursuant to this act, or by purchase
and transfer agreeably to the by-laws of the company,
or by devise, or in course of distribution or otherwise
by operation of law, shall thereupon become a stock-
holder and member of the company; and every person
Who shall be divested of all his or her stock in the said
company by sale, and transfer, or by operation of law.
Shares - perso-