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Session Laws, 1836
Volume 537, Page 336   View pdf image
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mited, he shall be subject to the penalties prescribed
' by the said section for similar offences.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That if any commis-
sioner or inspector having once qualified as such, shall
be re-appointed, he shall and may continue to serve
without any new qualification.

CHAP. 307.
Once qualified

SEC. 5. And be it enacted. That all the powers which
are vested in the taxable inhabitants of the several
school districts in said county, by the aforesaid act,
shall be, and the same are hereby vested in the free
white male citizens of this State, above the age of
twenty-one years, and actual residents of. and taxable
in said districts respectively: and the resident inhabi-
tants of any and every school district in said county,
so as aforesaid qualified, shall have and exercise all
the powers which are by the aforesaid act vested in the
taxable inhabitants of said district, and in manner and
form as the same might or could be exercised by the
aforesaid taxable inhabitants.

Powers vested
in voters

SEC. 6. And be it enacted. That all taxes to be voted
by the inhabitants of any and every school district in
said county, under and in virtue of the aforesaid act,
and of this act, shall be levied on the assessable prop-
erty in said district, agreeably to the assessments of
the last preceding county tax.

School tax,
how levied

SEC. 7. And be it enacted. That the inhabitants of
any and every school district in said county, so as
aforesaid qualified, assembled at any legal district
meeting, shall and may have power to vote a tax on the
assessable property in said district for payment of the
salary of a teacher in said district.

School tax

SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That where any land in
any school district in said county may become charged
for the payment of any school tax, and the collector
of such tax can find no personal property in said dis-
trict, liable for, or chargeable with the payment of the
same, the said collector shall be, and he is hereby di-
rected and required to return to the trustees of said
district, at such time or times as said trustees shall re-
quire or direct, a list of such lands, and the amount of
taxes thereon respectively due, and the names of the
persons respectively chargeable with the payment of
the same, and the said trustees shall thereupon have

Land subject to

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Session Laws, 1836
Volume 537, Page 336   View pdf image
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