CHAP. 307 .
court to try the question of negligence as aforesaid,
and the judgment of said court in the verdict to be
rendered as aforesaid shall be finaland conclusive on
the subject.
Passed Mar. 21,
An act for the encouragement of Primary Schools in
Prince George's county.
Act of 1825, ch.
162, extended
to P. G. co.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the act, entitled, an act to provide for
the public instruction of youth in Primary Schools
throughout this State, passed at December session in
the year eighteen hundred and twenty-five, chapter
one hundred and sixty-two, be, and the same is hereby
declared to be extended to Prince George's county, and
shall have effect and operation therein, subject to the
restrictions and qualifications hereinafter provided.
School funds as-
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the school fund of
Prince George's county, arising under the act to in-
corporate a company to make a turnpike road leading
to Cumberland, and for the extension of the charters
of the several banks of the city of Baltimore, and for
other purposes, and its several supplements, is hereby
assigned and appropriated for the encouragement and
support of public instruction, and placed under the di-
rection and control of the commissioners of primary
schools for said county, and the same as received by
the commissioners from the Treasurer of the Western
Shore, shall be annually distributed and applied ac-
cording to the provisions of the original act to which
this is a supplement.
and Inspectors'
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That each of the commis-
sioners and inspectors to be appointed under the pro-
visions of the aforesaid act, shall and may take the
oath prescribed by the fourth section of the said act,
at any time within thirty days from the date of his ap-
pointment, and shall and may return the certificate
thereof to the clerk of Prince George's county, within
fifteen days from the date of the said certificate; and
on his failure to take such oath, or to return a certifi-
cate thereof, within the time or times hereinbefore li-