CHAP. 289
Israel Creek, then with said creek to the line dividing
the farms owned by Messes. John Clempson and John
Miller, then with said line to Mr. John Crumbough's
line, East of his farm, then with a straight line to the
beginning, and that the taxable limits of the said town
shall be a follows: including all that part of the town
now improved, or which the citizens may at any time
hereafter improve, in accordance with the eleventh
section nf this act; provided, that in no instance it may
exceed the corporate limits as laid down in this section.
Passed Mar 21
An act to provide for a further loan to the Penitentiary,
Loan authoris-
SECTION I. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the directors of the Penitentiary shall
be Authorised and directed to borrow, on or before the
first day of July next, on the credit of the State, under
the advice and direction of the commissioner of loans
for the State of Maryland, at a rate of interest not ex-
ceeding six per cent, and on the most favorable terms
upon which the same can be obtained, a sum of money
not exceeding twenty thousand dollars, for the use of
the Penitentiary, and may borrow the same either from
any of the chartered banks, or other corporations, or
from individuals, which loan shall be redeemable at the
expiration of twenty years; provided, that the said di-
rectors shall advertise in two or more newspapers in
the cities of Annapolis and Baltimore, for proposals
for said loan, at least fifteen days previously to con-
tracting for the same.
Bonds or certi-
ficates to issue
SEC. 2. And be if enacted, That the Treasurer of the
Western Shore is hereby authorised and directed to is-
sue bonds or certificates as evidence of said loan, and
to pledge the credit of the State for the repayment of
the same, to the amount of not more than twenty thou-
sand dollars as aforesaid, and as may have been devi-
Interest payable
sed and consented to by the said commissioner of loans,
the interest thereof shall be paid semi-annually, by the
directors of the Penitentiary, out of the profits of the
labour thereof to the Treasurer of, the Western Shore,
together with the further sum of one thousand dollars